Thursday, December 31, 2009

Way to upload documents and create links

So, i figured i would share something i found.  A website called allows you to upload MS documents, presentations, etc and then have a usable link to add to blogs or emails to access them.  This is great for things that are too large to email and such or since i cannot figure out how to paste a powerpoint presentation into a blog post using windows 7 at this point, it allowed me to link to the kids presentations in my blog post.  The site is free and it tries to emulate a LinkedIn or other social site, but it fails on that point.

Now go and have fun,
The Cases

Alissa's Powerpoint Presentation

And last, but not least, here is the leader of the pack, Alissa's presentation.  Alissa figured out powerpoint all by herself and then taught her brother and sisters.  We did not help them with anything except showing them how to download sound bites, but they still link them to their powerpoints all on their own.  I was definitely a team effort and none of them can type.  Ali hunts and pecks pretty well, but that's about it. Can you tell I'm pretty proud of them all?

Emily's Powerpoint Presentation

So, here is the crazy and creative Emily's presentation.   Here creativity is second to none.  Enjoy!

Haley's Power Point Presentation

Here is Haley's presentation.  I didn't mention this on Ray's but remember to turn up your sounds because there are sound bites for most animals.  Very proud of these kids!

Ray's PP Presentation on Animals

Here is Raymundo's power point presentation he completed for his "unschooling" assignment.  Remember, Ray is almost 8 years old, so I am pretty proud of him!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So, while we are awaiting our K12 program items for homeschooling, we have been doing what is called "unschooling".  Unschooling is where the kids decide what they want to learn about and then they complete the research and present a report on it when they are finished.  Each of the kids wanted to learn about animals, so they picked ten animals and five different things about each animal that they wanted to learn.  Each completed their own research utilizing library books and the almost all-knowning internet.  They then wrote down raw facts and we reviewed them for accuracy and spelling.  Then they wrote them in full sentences and paragraphs.  Finally, they have been putting all the data into Microsoft Power Point presentations and will be presenting them to the family on the big screen when all are completed.  So, far Ali is almost done, Haley just needs a little fine tuning, Emily is starting the Power Point part, and Ray is impatiently waiting for Emily to be done so that he can start his Power Point part.  Ali figured out Power Point all by herself and has been teaching the other kids how it works.  Pretty awesome!  They are actually working together.  Not to mention that we start everyday with scriptures, prayer, and the pledge of allegiance that definitely wasn't happening in public school.  I will put the kids presentations up when they are completed.


So, this is our new (only, i think) blog. We are the Cases in Payson...Jared, Heidi, Alissa, Emily, Haley, Ray, Jacob, and Olivia. Yes, that's eight kids and two almost adult parents. Recently, we have decided to homeschool the kids (all four school aged ones)...So, a lot of this blog will be about our adventure in homeschooling and whether or not it really brings us closer together or makes us just a little more nuts! Stay tuned ladies and germs. And welcome.